The Brompton Range

Electric or pedal-powered, steel or titanium, flat commutes or epic adventures. Every bike is hand-built and quality assured in our London Factory, to stand up to the daily demands of the city.

Checkerboard - Group Grid 1

Using the grid component, we can eliminate the gaps between checkerboard components.

Checkerboard - Group Grid 2

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Checkerboard - Group Grid 3

Fusce laoreet, est id blandit rhoncus, enim diam elementum urna, ac mattis tellus augue ut diam. Duis eu semper ligula, non aliquam sapien. Donec ullamcorper, tellus sed efficitur mollis, sapien ex faucibus purus, egestas volutpat neque augue ac nulla. Etiam quis pellentesque urna. In volutpat velit lacus, vitae blandit risus tempus id.

Short intro text introducing the lines below.

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A Line Scheduled

From A to B. The essential Brompton. The ride, the compact fold, the easy-to-store. Exclusive to & Junction New York.
A Line

C Line

The Classic All-Steel Folding Bike. Original design refined for modern cities.
C Line

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